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Alexey Bogolepov.

Moloch of Totalitarianism 2016

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Children are suggestible because their “hearts”/trust are open, they listen and remember that what is easy for them to visualize. When everyone around is like children, then the Adult knows how to lead them, he knows, while the child trusts his story, then he does not understand. As long as he believes that “he was found in the cabbage,” then he is obedient. Children are harmless and can be led, they are not dangerous, they are not yet large enough to reach the writing desk where important papers are kept, and it is ridiculous to suspect them of being able to open a safe.

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"To everyone who came to this happy place: “Welcome!” Disneyland is your country. Here the wonderful memories of the old are revived, and here the young can breathe in the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, dreams and real events that created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to the whole world!" - Walter Disney, 1955 

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Fantasies and Reality: if I were God then every 10, 100 years, I would not spy, I would enter into agreements with my “partners”, I would lead them along such a path, where they would then disappear. My contracts and new relationships are “forever” only until the end of 10 years. One day they forgot, then others sowed, and in my sieve what they “donated” would settle, they refused, because I convinced them, and now they are “fools” with me. If I am in an equal conspiracy with him against the other, then they are afraid of the other, in other circumstances, but they listen to me, because “we are at the same time,” but in this way I only keep them from uniting and have a different agreement with their “partner,” etc. .d. So my “partner”, my friend he helps me not to participate in the war, but to lead both sides. Language is my friend. But what God this one?


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A two-dimensional system, a polar coordinate system in which each point on the plane is defined by two numbers - a polar angle and a polar radius.

In a Cartesian (René Descartes), or rectangular, coordinate system, such relationships can only be established by applying trigonometric equations.

 The main merit of Hipparchus is considered to be that he introduced the predictive accuracy of the astronomy of Ancient Babylon into the Greek geometric models of the movement of celestial bodies. Known as the probable "father of trigonometry". From the works of Hipparchus, only one thing has reached us - “Περὶ τῶν Ἀράτου καὶ Εὐδόξου φαινομένων”. The most important achievement of Hipparchus is considered to be the discovery of the anticipation of the equinoxes, or astronomical precession. He made a significant contribution to improving the calendar. He determined the length of the tropical year 365+

 Archimedes in his work “Spirals” describes the so-called Archimedes spiral, a function whose radius depends on the angle.

… Тот, кто рассмотрел огни необъятного мира,
Кто восхождение звезд и нисхождение постиг,
Понял, как пламенный блеск тускнеет бегущего Солнца,
Как им в назначенный срок звезды уходят с небес…
Тот же Конон и меня увидал — Косу Береники, —
Между небесных огней яркий пролившую свет…

Catullus LXVI

In the 9th century, the Persian mathematician Khabbash al-Khasib (al-Marwazi) used the methods of map projections and spherical trigonometry to transform polar coordinates into another coordinate system centered on some point on the sphere, in this case, to determine the Qibla - the direction of Mecca. Seneca reports that Conon “collected references to solar eclipses preserved by the Egyptians.” This information was not preserved either in the ancient Egyptian or ancient traditions.


Fibonacci >

In Method of Fluxions, written in 1671, published in 1736, Sir Isaac Newton explored the transformation between polar coordinates, which he designated as "Seventh Manner; For Spirals" and nine other coordinate systems.

 Rose / Rhodonea curve  - This curve was first mentioned by the Florentine monk Guido Grandi in two letters to Leibniz in December 1713 and called it “rose-shaped”, “rhodonea”, ῥόδον. The Dürer folium.

“Knowing the Darkness within yourself is the best way to deal with the darkness in others.” Carl Gustav Jung

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Martin Waldseemüller

In Akkadian documents of the 23rd century BC. e. (proleptic Julian calendar - the century from 2300 BC to 2201 BC) is mentioned as the supreme deity among the population of the right bank of the middle Euphrates.

The cult of Dagon was important in Babylon.

Βαβυλών بابل  - gate of god.


Budapest was formed in 1873 through the administrative union of the cities of Buda and Pest. buda - “house, building, village” or “water” and pesht - “oven”, in the sense of “hearth, dwelling”
Visegrad Вышеград

Dracul, that is, "devil"(„Teufel“) or, by association, "dragon" was inherited by Vlad III from his father, Vlad II, who was a knight of the Order of the Dragon, created in 1408 by the King of Hungary, Holy Roman Emperor (Austria)

Basarab the Old


To announce the verdict (axe) to the boyars (Father and Son), Dracula first invited them to a feast. Romanian sources connect this feast with Easter


"Ornament and Education" Adolf Loos: "It is simply uncultured to throw art into consumer goods".

The desire to decorate one's face and everything that is available is the source of fine art. The need of primitive man to cover his face and all his household items with ornaments is the true root cause of the emergence of art, the first babble of the art of painting. The basis of this need is the erotic principle... But the man of our time, who from an internal impulse covers the walls with erotic symbols, is either a criminal or a degenerate... The culture of any country can be measured by the degree to which the walls of the restrooms are dotted in it... The evolution of culture is tantamount to removal ornament from consumer objects "Ornament and Crime" Ornament und Verbrechen, Austrian architect Adolf Loos (1870-1933).

 "Unfortunately these “listeners to painting” — and tragically enough not only to painting — are still being educated in our schools both in art instruction and art history as well as in all other subjects. This education certainly no longer suffices the increased demands of the “examination” (better: the attitude toward) for instance transautomatic works. Capable is only the active, ethical, responsible, the creative observer, who distinguishes himself principally from the hitherto ordinary observer and for whom no new name has been forged yet, simply because he has not been acknowledged as necessary. However, for Klee, Dali, Mondrian, whom one is occasionally able to advance toward, the inherited passive examination still seems to suffice. But for how long? A great cataclysm, and not just in art education, is on its way." Hundertwasser

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