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 The warmth and vulnerability of a naked soul, which is natural, and we believe in the possibility of a perfect system of satisfaction with benefits and rational use of money, so that wealth ennobles, and not vice versa. This bridge between the soul and the way of existence is our world around, our body, our affairs, and therefore for our eyes, as for consciousness, we pay tribute to duty, with our thoughts, with what we ourselves strive for.


Bourgeoisie and Culture - Marxism and Intelligentsia - World of Art.

“Beginning” is what surrounds us, vision is our main sense, and therefore we live in reality, which we limit ourselves to.

"Any modern architecture in which the ruler or the compass has played a role for even a second - even if only in thought - must be rejected." "There are so many lines, but only one of them is fatal, and that is the straight line drawn with the ruler." "The straight line leads to destruction" - Friedensreich Hundertwasser

“The last futurist exhibition “0.10” on the Field of Mars in Petrograd, 1915

Kazimierz Malewicz (picture on the left). The exhibition was organized on the initiative of Ivan Puni.

 About Architecture (mason (freemason)), culture and Artists. Spirals of life and temple domes  of Hundertwasser (Stowasser) (article),  koru flag designed by Hundertwasser on the pic in top.

Our world, like a charnel-house, lies strewn with the detritus of dead epochs.” ⎯ Le Corbusier, Urbanisme (1925).



Few lines by Lenin about the spiraling course of the dialectic in history, from his 1915 Granat Encyclopedia entry on Karl Marx:

In our times, the idea of development, of evolution, has almost completely penetrated social consciousness, only in other ways, and not through Hegelian philosophy. Still, this idea, as formulated by Marx and Engels on the basis of Hegel’s philosophy, is far more comprehensive and far richer in content than the current idea of evolution is. 

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Государство Stát_Communism or Modern Society

 Tatlin’s tower

 Vladimir Tatlin (1885 - 1953)

Kunst und Glaube in einer ganzheitlichen gesunden Gesellschaft, „Prolitariat“.>


In 1918, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin, signed a decree “On the fight against anti-Semitism and Jewish pogroms.” On July 27, it was published in the newspaper Pravda. In March 1919, Lenin gave a speech “On the pogrom persecution of Jews.” Initially the idea of equality that the same lay at the basis of both Marxism and the general realistic approach to the spiritual needs of the “will to freedom” of all classes while religion is the opium for people. Psychology. That is why the basis of the idea of Art at the beginning of the 20th century was the idea of a bright mind - enlightenment and, in fact, a better life. But the “revolution” and robbery of scientific progress in this domain occurred at the expense of the Bolsheviks in Russia. The separation of the concept "Secret Knowledge" from Judaism and the Church - "Conditions for the enslavement of consciousness" - setting "views" on life, on oneself, on one's class; into practical utilitarian material and flourishing - industrialization - the double concept of FREEDOM as technology for the working class - a “service” for life and equality of classes in the environment. 

 The theory of New World > since I WW  run and than grew into a physical struggle, while the idea of intellectual equality was turned after the collapse of 1918 into a damn “life-long” bacchanalia and again under the meaning “League of Nations” (representatives of resistance and in favor of their castes, their goal: to simplify International innovation and defeat the leaders of the other side, replacing them by supporting others, that’s why and how - the “support forces” were presented from different sides and thus Today they Know how to dilute the speeches so that " add cocaine to cola") wins further through the “thorns” of terror and the Cold War, when lies are reclaimed for truth, everyone concentrated around the “Jews” whene speech said about church and its roots there is supposedly. In the manner of what is knowen by mass and popularized by “Rasputin” is simply one political social initiative of the New World - Russia against the Old World and America... it didn’t work out, but it turned out to be some kind of alliance with a strange “situation” in the world “behind the iron curtain” with the label of philistinism. New time turned to the old world with the old ideology with new “additives” for the masses, and the territory of the “new forces” became the red mass of communists, and not the New World, in the international consciousness, exaggerating and supporting pseudo leaders against the “first wave”. Further, the USSR resisted and existed in conditions that were created for it within itself and limited by the ideology that it had “built”.

Manifest der 93


We, representatives of German science and art, declare before the entire cultural world a protest against the lies and slander with which our enemies are trying to pollute the just cause of Germany in the difficult struggle for existence imposed on it. The events refuted the rumors circulating about fictitious German defeats. All the more diligently they are now working on distortions and fabrications. We raise our loud voice against them. May he be a messenger of truth.

It is not true that Germany is to blame for this war. Neither the people, nor the government, nor the Kaiser wanted her. On the German side, everything that could be done was done to prevent it. The world has documentary evidence of this. Quite often during the 26 years of his reign, Wilhelm II showed himself as a guardian of universal peace, very often this was noted by our enemies themselves. Yes, this same Kaiser, whom they now dare to present as some kind of Attila, was subjected to their own ridicule for decades for his unshakable love of peace. And only when the hostile forces that had long been lurking on the borders from three sides attacked our people, only then did they stand up as one.

It is not true that we brazenly violated Belgium's neutrality. It has been proven that France and England agreed on this violation. It has been proven that Belgium agreed to this. It would be self-destructive not to warn them of this.

It is not true that our soldiers encroached on the life of even one Belgian citizen and his property, unless this was dictated by the most extreme necessity. For constantly and continuously, despite all sorts of appeals, the population fired at them from ambush, mutilated the wounded, and killed doctors in the performance of their philanthropic duty. There is no more despicable lie than hushing up the betrayal of these villains in order to impute the just punishment they suffered as a crime to the Germans.

It is not true that our troops were brutally rampant in Louvain. Against the rabid townsfolk who insidiously attacked them in their apartments, with a heavy heart they were forced to retaliate by shelling part of the city. Most of Louvain survived. The famous town hall stands intact and undamaged. Our soldiers selflessly protected it from fire. Every German will mourn all the works of art that have already been destroyed, as well as those works of art that are yet to be destroyed. However, just as much as we do not agree to admit anyone’s superiority over us in the love of art, we equally refuse to buy the preservation of a work of art at the price of a German defeat.

It is not true that our military leadership ignored the laws of international law. He is not characterized by unbridled cruelty. Meanwhile, in the east the earth is filled with the blood of women and children killed by the Russian hordes, and in the west “dum-dum” bullets are tearing the chests of our soldiers. Those who have united with the Russians and Serbs and give the whole world the shameful spectacle of setting the Mongols and blacks against the white race have the least right to act as defenders of European civilization.

It is not true that the war against our so-called militarism is not also a war against our culture, as our enemies hypocritically claim. Without German militarism, German culture would have been destroyed in its very beginnings long ago. German militarism is a product of German culture, and it was born in a country that, like no other country in the world, was subjected for centuries to predatory raids. The German army and the German people are united. This consciousness binds today 70 million Germans without distinction of education, position or party affiliation.

We cannot snatch the poisoned weapon of lies from our enemies. We can only appeal to the whole world to remove false slander from us. You, who know us, who have until now, together with us, guarded the highest treasures of humanity - we appeal to you. Trust us! Believe that we will wage this struggle to the end, as a cultured people, to whom the testament of Goethe, Beethoven, and Kant is as sacred as our hearth and our allotment. This is the guarantee of our name and our honor!


Die Geschichte begrüßt letztlich nicht die Konflikte der Gesellschaften, sondern ihre Versöhnung.

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