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Descartes recognized the presence in the world of two kinds of substances: extended - res extensa and thinking - res cogitans, while the problem of their interaction was resolved by introducing a common source - God, who, acting as the creator, being the highest substance, forms both substances according to the same laws. God, who created matter along with motion and rest and preserves them. Logic and education, "Master"/"Lord"/ "Monach" and the organization of the laws of life for the living, according to Logos and a sciences 

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The lower world is Material and the higher world is Spiritual.  Good of Life Monarch.

​St. Augustine theologized the scheme of its existence in the Christian understanding. While the lower, material world remained the same, the highest intelligible sphere and the concept of Good changed significantly. At first Good became triune, the God of Christianity, below which were spiritual beings called angels. To act against human nature by not allowing reason to control emotions was to descend to the level of animals. On the other hand, to try to go beyond one's place, as Eve did when she was tempted by "Knowledge", was to invite trouble (threat) upon oneself. Beyond academic philosophy, the Great Chain of Being characterizes a cosmology that at its core dates back to the Egyptian and Greek civilizations in the West and continues through Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ancient Chinese thought.
René Descartes (1596–1650), Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677), and G. W. von Leibniz (1646–1716) created alternative versions of the Chain of Being. They tried to develop rational systems to explain God or the Being as the highest Perfection.


When everything is properly organized, the mind rules the emotions, just as a King rules his subjects, a parent rules a child, and the sun rules the planets. That why we know from the history such as in the 17th century, a writer's fame largely depended on his popularity and the king's patronage. But for many Christians, Martin Luther and the Reformation refuted the idea that God's forgiveness filters through the worldly hierarchy of the Pope and the Church. "Papa""Lord" & cett.
​As enlightenment thinkers rebelled against the last vestiges of feudal hierarchy by creating secular government structures that placed power in the hands of ordinary citizens rather than divine monarchs. Today phenomenon of Divine we "discuss" easer watching it >

Another aspect of the time that was acutely relevant to this chain was the role of women in society. The prevailing general understanding was that women were childbearers and housewives and rarely held jobs. So they were definitely not on the same level as the men.

Let's remember how we became children and learned to listen...

Like from east, easter, like when the Sun rise, like it's only the place, that mean it, like is Real... But as for each kindergarten it is One territory and its Lord "according" to somthing... As with language it is, for Kingdom is own Home with Blesse it as its traditoion in must.

The Fantasy World  or One Reality that penetrates in us?

De Trinitate

Each Person is endowed with intelligence, will and memory. The mind turns the direction of the will towards itself, that is, it is always aware of itself, always desires and remembers:


"After all, I remember that I have memory, intelligence and will; and understand that I understand, desire and remember; and I wish that I had the will, understood and remembered"


Today, we must pay tribute to the works of not only Marx and Hegel, Nietzsche, and those many Intelligent people who today led us to "Demo"cracy [Human rights[, because Capitalist of America, which only showed with the assassination of Kennedy for some of an Angle of its Glob and the recognition of the rights of africans in that time Just, is another way to leave from under Monroe to the World more like NATO or “as a One” (NATO), this part under World Capitalism shows the ideology of “equality” in some segment of the World. Whereas, unlike the “wealth” of Capital, Monarchy, Communism spoke exactly what “Wonderland” is “singing” about now - Ideology, that is, ordinary Soviet people, friendly, smiling, dressed somehow not bourgeois, if this is not too much a game in such a capitalist example of a growth indicator - capital, and not taste or Reason, but rather financial accumulation, without any Ideological logic and a single style in life, clothing, just wealth, even rarely luxury, because I repeat, style. So Marx and capital, about the Ideology of communism and its main Idea, the idea of Philosophy, not Lords, not English, but German labor, and then all these classes, each of them had its own leader and therefore “mix the cards” about this in the article, it was so to appropriate again, back again and again. While the revolution was not against the Nation, but for rational, scientific thought and greater freedoms for People, and then a fiction occurred that divides humanity today.

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Mozart - Requiem In D Minor-K.626-3.Sequentia-Lacrimosa (Классическая музыка)
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 [Χριστοφορος  носящий Христа] Christusträger

"Here are the names of the relics of those saints that we could remember: <...> the head of the martyr Christopher with a face exactly like a dog, with a long mouth; it is hard as flint - our mind was struck with amazement: there is no room for doubt!"

Memorial Day of the Martyr Christopher in the Orthodox calendar is May 9, in the Catholic Martyrology is July 25; In Catholicism, Saint Christopher is depicted as a giant; The feast day of St. Christopher was removed from the universal Catholic calendar by the Vatican in 1969;  The oldest image of the saint is in the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai;  "Si en San Cristóbal confías, de accidente no morirás";
Patron of Vilnius;  In Latvia Mythologized image of St. Christopher - Lielais Kristaps; Coins with his face were minted in Würzburg, Württemberg and the Czech Republic; “Whoever looks at the image of St. Christopher today will not be in danger of sudden fainting and falling.” In the Cologne Cathedral there is a statue of St. Christopher, which, according to popular belief, protects those who look at it from sudden death.

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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 

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 Hallstatt culture

Hallstatt Beinhaus.  In the 1700s, the church began digging up corpses to make way for the newly dead. The bodies, which had been buried for only 10 to 15 years, were then stacked inside the charnel house. Although the practice has died out since the 1960s, there is a much more recent skull at Beinhouse. Next to the cross with a gold tooth is the skull of a woman who died in 1983. Her last request was to be placed in Banehouse. Her skull was placed in the crypt in 1995, the very last bone to be placed there.

The Hallstatt culture is an Iron Age archaeological culture that developed in Central Europe and the Balkans over a period of about 500 years, from approximately 900 to 400 BC. Going back to the culture of the fields of burial urns. The two main areas of distribution of the Hallstatt culture are Eastern (Lower Austria, Slovenia, northern Croatia, partly the Czech Republic and Slovakia), and western (Upper Austria, southern regions of Germany, northern Switzerland, Rhine departments of France), where they are associated with the Celtic tribes. Swedish cultural historian Hans Olaf Hildebrand introduced the term “Halstatt group”. The German archaeologist Paul Reinecke used the term “Halstatt time”. The term “Halstatt culture” was proposed by the Austrian archaeologist Moritz Gernes in 1905. 

 КППУ or Urnopol culture Urnenfelderkultur 1300-750. BC e. - the general name of a number of archaeological cultures of the Early Iron Age. Cemeteries without mounds that contain the remains of corpses, usually with the burial of ashes in clay vessels placed at the bottom of the grave.

The symbols found on cultural products are partially interpreted as numerals. The name of the region comes from the German word Salz Salt  - Salzkammergut. The Hallstatt salt mines are the oldest in Europe.

“You need to bury a person at a depth of only half a meter, and then plant a tree in this place. Person must be buried in a decomposing coffin, so that the planted tree absorbs something from it and turns than into a woody substance. And when you come to the grave, you you will come not to a dead person, but to a living creature that has turned into a tree. You will say: “This is my grandfather, the tree grows well, fantastically.” You can create a beautiful forest that will be more beautiful than an ordinary forest, because there will be trees in it. rooted in the graves. It will be a park, a place for entertainment, for living, even for hunting." Hundertwasser

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What is GESTALT ? Complete image. Created in the mid-20th century by Friedrich Salomon Perls (Berlin). The reception of Mach's contribution to the analysis of sensations by Christian von Ehrenfels led to the formulation of Gestalt theory. Within Existential therapy - a direction in psychotherapy that aims to lead the patient to understanding his life. Philosophical therapy is designed to improve understanding of the world and thereby make a person’s life easier, along with existential therapy. This purpose of philosophy was largely lost until the 19th century, when it was revived by Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. The role of philosophy is primarily in concrete help to people. The creators of Gestalt therapy considered this direction of psychotherapy to be absolutely practical and not subject to theoretical study. Fritz Perls even had a concept called “elephant shit” to specifically refer to theorizing. The principle of Gestalt therapy is the principle of “here and now”.

I do my thing, and you do yours.
I'm not in this world to fulfill your expectations
And you are not in this world to fulfill mine.
You are you and I am me.
If by chance we happen to meet, great,
And if not, then nothing can be done.


Gestalt Therapy Verbatim "Gestalt therapy prayer".

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