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Ah - “shining”, the fusion of Ba and Ka, free from the corporeal shell - pure spirit.
Khat - is the mortal shell of a person, the container of the heart.
Ib - the heart - is the seat of reason, fate and sensuality.
Sahu - is the spiritual body, through prayers and litanies he achieved spiritual bliss. Sahu is figuratively shown as a lotus growing from Khat.
Sekhem - “to master something”, “strength”, “image” - the vital force of the human essence in the world, a word in the form of an adjective denoting the power or magical abilities of the gods.
Shuit - is a shadow, σκιά among the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was believed that a shadow could separate from a person and exist at its own discretion. Shuit connected directly with the soul she followed.
Ren - a name. Knowing the names of the divine patrons of friends or enemies, he could pronounce them and gain power over them to carry out his will.




Is the Earth an “atom” of the Universe?

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Art does not exist for a small closed circle, not for a few very educated people, but for the whole people”  Georg Hegel Martin Luther in his work “On the Enslaved Will” used the expression “Plato is my friend, Socrates is my friend, but truth should be preferred” ... thus, Truth is One, and “religions” like sects cannot, but are many! The eternal, unchanging fundamental principle of the world, the beginning of all that exists, which is conceived as one, universal, beginningless, endless and opposes any relative and conditioned Being. Our natural intelligence - the body intelligence even if the weather conditions are harsh, in our age it is a metaphor. We are like Buddhists or like the metaphysical basis of the cycle of life - the matter of energies and time according to Indian principles, our consciousness and look into ourselves is the basis of a spiritual community. The world in which we live - the conditions in which we arrive, since they are built on the basis of community - are artificial - while the environment is our feelings, which is why the artificial world is a reflection of the situation and the role of the Soul in it.

Worldview: Reason and Feelings. New society - new consciousness 1900s.
Industrialized Europe suffered a spiritual catastrophe. At that time, the authority of any judgments ceased to be subject to critical assessment. Artists judged economics, journalists judged philosophy. Magister Ludi, 'ludus' in Latin can mean either "game" or "school", Magister Ludi can mean both "Master of the Game" and "School Teacher". 
If the pure empiricist piles up a disorderly heap of stones, then, on the other hand, the pure philosophical mind builds castles in the air, which, however, cannot withstand the slightest breath of experience” Haeckel

Galaxies are gravitationally bound groups of stars and clusters. And Atoms are one of the smallest particles of the universe; they are the main “building blocks” of what we call matter. Everything we see around us, everything we touch, consists of tiny atoms. TIME & REALITY >


Soul concept (Ancient Egypt)

Ka - the life force, character traits, or destiny of a person.
Ba - “manifestation”, conscience, the totality of human feelings
and emotions







 Traditions, practice, soul and health. Other is a science, a discipline, a training of the mind - a philosophy. It is very important - Image, fundamental things, as well as actual ones that bring benefits and bring good into people's lives - must be shown and used. Its seals depend on the coat of arms of a state, and the model of views depends on philosophy. And as well the architecture influences our mood, and speech and its cliches influence our behavior.
In a healthy body healthy mind! Positioning, and yet there are examples, they are often criticized, but the concept is clear. Good and beneficial. What is faith and what is caring for the soul, they are different things, but they are interconnected. Religion is also a science, speech, and the practice of being and soul, this is the positioning of the mind and the interaction with its bodies, that is, the soul - energy. But the word energy does not convey the meaning of the shell of a person, like his clothes, skin, feelings, thoughts, thoughts, we say "Soul ".

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Globalization is world Unity, which is why the Concept of Faith and Truth in such a society inevitably strives for an indicator that satisfies this factor - the science of the only true and valuable thing, so that it satisfies both science - knowledge and the happiness of man - so that it makes his Being mentally worthy, inspired, thanks to which his mind and his feelings would find satisfaction in the expected about the understandable on “eternal themes” - that is, predictable for the consciousness of every person at some stage of his life and suitable at each of them.

The world today, in its Unified physical equation, responds to the social organization of life or because of it, thus “solving mental problems,” that is, spiritual, of a person - Today in our society - these are the institutions of psychology and metaphysics. In the language of theory, metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the original nature of reality, the world and being, through pure reason.

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Hundertwasser - back to the Greek "Prophets" >
“Our “I” is not a real unity, but a practical unity, a group of elements connected more strongly with each other, and weaker with other groups of the same kind.” Ernst Mach >, so for Mach there is no opposition between “world” and “I”, sensation and object, but only the connection of elements.
"- Often it's enough just to be with someone. It's not necessary to touch or even talk. The feeling just passes between you both. You're not alone."


 "The inner-inner eye’s movement while it is facing the tao equals a genuinely transautomatic machine. One could best compare it to the start, the ascent and the trajectory of a rocket. There is a start activated by explosive agents that remain on the ground, an ascent of the rocket piece in stages, during which one of the complex of elements that forces it up becomes useless and falls off after every stage until (after having overcome the heavyweight density) the rocket eventually continues to move on by itself without the support mechanisms. During the procedure of the transautomatic image reflection the groups of associations have roughly the same function as the complexes of the closing and ascending elements. They pierce through the various spheres of the associative space, which at first is densely overloaded with associations, becoming increasingly looser with lesser associations, similar to the conditions of the air and the heavyweight densities surrounding the globe. The start occurs through the confrontation of subject and object (creative viewer — tao) and the dissolution of the correspondences which echelon and support each other in miraculous ways. In the first stage of the simplest associations the faced tao is being compared purely visually with objects that have already perceived optically".  Hundertwasser

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Symbols and Objects. Nature and Soul. Garden.

Each Language group of people carefully preserves myths and legends. The legends of past years are the experience that our ancestors preserved to protect their descendants from troubles and misfortunes. The ancient Slavs considered the fern flower a talisman, as it is a sacred, mystical plant. It is a symbol of light and the sun, which is why it is called solar. It illuminates the path of its owner, protecting it from evil. The ancient symbol is so powerful that it extends its effect to all members of the owner’s family.
  According to Slavic beliefs, the fern  папоротник blooms only for one moment, on the night before Ivan Kupala (June 24/July 7); It is very difficult to pick a flower, especially since evil spirits prevent this in every possible way and intimidate a person, in some cases depriving him of reason, speech, and memory.
This flower is identified with the god of thunder Perun, so it was given the second name “Perun’s Flower”. According to legend, the brother of the formidable thunderer, Semargl, who guarded the solar throne, fell in love with the Bathing Suit, the guardian goddess of the night. However, the deities in love were not destined to be together. Just as day and night cannot come at the same time, lovers also could not be close; only on the day of the summer equinox could Semargl and Bathing Lady briefly unite their hearts. The couple had two children - Kupala and Kostroma. Then Perun gave his brother a special flower - “Fire-light”, the buds of which look like sparks of fire. The flower has become a symbol that any wish, even the seemingly impossible, can come true. You can see and find a flower only once a year - on the night of June 21-22. On the day of the summer solstice, a lucky person could find a fern flower - a symbol of wish fulfillment.
The Star of England Звезда Инглии symbolizes the original radiance of the Universe. Primordial knowledge coming from God, the primordial wisdom of God. The Star of England grants the ability to perceive the power coming from God, to protect one’s land and the ability to destroy evil spirits in oneself and in the outside world.
Lamp Светочь - This symbol personifies the connection of two great Fire flows: Earthly and Divine (Extraterrestrial). This connection gives rise to the Universal Vortex of Transformation, which helps a person to reveal the essence of Multidimensional Existence, through the Light of Knowledge of the Ancient Fundamentals.

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The cycle,  everything is constantly changing: nature and man complement each other, so man is able to improve the forms of nature, as well as to achieve the mind through love for living things, learn to feel, hear, perceive subtle energy and is in the same rhythm with the rhythm of nature and the environment. space. Balance and harmony of opposites:  “final end does not exist”, because nothing is final, there is no end. Just as the world changes depending on us, we used to change following the world. The cycle of substances in nature is a very important topic, a threat to life in the ocean, seas and rivers; man’s humanism should resurrect him, and not turn him away from his habitat. Our friends, animals, souls, their bodies, many of our “pets”: rabbits, pigs, chickens, we breed animals that save us, serving as prey for us, today we are not going hunting, we are going to the store, but the energy, the cycle and its circulation are isolation, energy, life, a person should treat nature with more trepidation and care, the seas in which fish are so important, valuable, and useful for him. Chickens, cows - eggs, milk - Gratitude should be that prayer for the degree of awareness in order to teach ourselves and consider ourselves wise as a living - person, for us feel “like birds in the sky”, but we run away from God in us.
But the word "God" itself refers to the term of the Christian community, a tribute to this "Fashin", while other religions convey other associations, resorting to a different description, citing other characteristics.


In the course of life, we learn to appreciate the given, the necessary things that the earth gives us, but the world and our education should certainly pave these paths of wisdom and useful skills and knowledge for life, the most logical path for our consciousness. Nature and man complement each other, this is a cycle, everything is constantly changing: this is how a person is able to improve the forms of nature and reach the mind through love for living things, learn to feel, hear, perceive subtle energy and being, as possible, in the same rhythm with the rhythm of nature, environment, with space. Balance and harmony of opposites: there can be no “final victory”, because nothing is final, there is no end. The cycle of substances in nature is a very important topic, a threat to life in the ocean, seas and rivers; man’s humanism should resurrect him, and not turn him away from his habitat. Our friends, animals, souls, their bodies, for many they are pets: rabbits, pigs, chickens, we breed animals that save us, are food, keep us alive and healthy, also serving as prey for us. Today we don’t go hunting, we go to the store, but the energy, the cycle and its circulation are closed, but this is not visible because between us and the environment, most often there is a store, it blocks our consciousness, confuses feelings and deprives them, just like memory. Energy is life, a person should treat nature with more trepidation and care, the seas in which fish are so important, valuable and useful for him, awareness is necessary, a change in perception is necessary and it will definitely happen for a healthy and cultured person. This is why information and education must be useful, quality and non-violent. Chickens, cows - eggs, milk - everything that we love and without whom we cannot fully eat, which means cows and chickens give us such a blessing as friends, and Gratitude should complement our existence, our life along with other lives. “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” Hippocrates, 400 BC. The history of a holistic approach to human health dates back to ancient times. Holism is a direction in philosophy that illuminates the close relationship between the part and the whole. Holistic, from Greek. "holos" – whole, integrity. In medicine, a holistic approach to treatment takes into account not only the disease that has arisen, but also its connection with nutrition, the person’s environment and his psychological state.

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