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The historian and the poet differ from each other not in speech - rhymed or unrhymed; they are distinguished by the fact that one speaks about what happened, the other about what could have happened. Therefore, there is more philosophy and seriousness in poetry than in history: for it shows the general, whereas history only shows the individual.

Историк и поэт отличаются друг от друга не речью — рифмованной или нерифмованной; их отличает то, что один говорит о случившемся, другой же о том, что могло бы случиться. Поэтому в поэзии больше философского, серьезного, чем в истории: ибо она показывает общее, тогда как история только единичное.

In the 19th century, Darwin's theories of natural selection also explained how living forms evolve over time and are thus not immutably predetermined. And that's why....


Lemuria, a ghostly continent, named after a Roman ghost. Haeckel’s theory on the origin of humanity: somewhere in Lemuria, in a place labeled “Paradise.”Credit: Ernst Haeckel: The History of Creation (1876).

Today “Lemuria” is used by the British government to describe its tiny territorial holdings in the Indian Ocean, has the motto: In tutela nostra Limuria, Latin for “Lemuria is in our charge.”

Everything that the poet writes with divine inspiration and the holy spirit is very beautiful.

Все, что поэт пишет с божественным вдохновением и святым духом, то весьма прекрасно.

"St. Augustine substantiated and justified the existence of property inequality between people in society. He argued that inequality is an inevitable phenomenon of social life and it is pointless to strive for equalization of wealth; it will exist in all ages of man's earthly life. But still, all people are equal before God, and therefore Augustine called for living in peace"

"You know, the only problem with capitalism is the capitalists; they're greedy as hell."
President Hoover, 31st president of the US


 Thinking the Poetic union lets Remmember what for we repeat about Letters, Church, Languages and Babel as a Book or as even Place, Byblos - βύβλος? Maybe, we speak to clear Our mind and having Thrue IDeologe to be saved! "Esperanto"[one who hopes], Χριστόφορος / Christophorus Columbus end cett.

CHURCHill & newly created United Nations Organization. When Churchill stopped in New York on his way back to Britain, protesters outside his hotel chanted “Winnie, Winnie, go away, UNO is here to stay.”

Joseph "Stalin" also  told Pravda in an interview that the New York Times reprinted that Churchill’s talk of a “fraternal association of English-speaking peoples” amounted to a “call to war with the Soviet Union” and reflected a racial theory of English supremacy no different than Nazi notions of German supremacy. In Stalin’s words, Europeans were not interested in “exchanging the lordship of Hitler for the Lordship of Churchill.”

"Any modern architecture in which the ruler or the compass has played a role for even a second - even if only in thought - must be rejected." "There are so many lines, but only one of them is fatal, and that is the straight line drawn with the ruler." "The straight line leads to destruction" - Friedensreich Hundertwasser

So "Churchill" and Lord/Logos in Babylon of yesterday building "The book" was Marx but the letters stay still...? Synonyms or nicknames - cult of this time period,  Stowasser’s funny cap, like that Chaplin who “without pardy” spoke for Living Knowledge, parodying it - the new Era, free will, the majority and California made the sounds of Donald, duck or goose, illustrating “fascism” and the swastika, supposedly now prohibited.” Whereas the Indian Gurus and in general this whole theme of “Prussia”, “Persia”, the scale of Aria, speaks for itself, once Luther, and now Marx, “Negative” like film, still the same Master Ludi, still the same Bible, that’s why The “Union” consisted of opponents of the Bible, otherwise it would not have been “built” as it is said in russian....

"В науке нет широкой столбовой дороги, и только тот может достигнуть ее сияющих вершин, кто, не страшась усталости, карабкается по ее каменистым тропам"

"In der Wissenschaft gibt es keine breite Autobahn, und nur wer ohne Angst vor Ermüdung die steinigen Pfade erklimmt, kann ihre leuchtenden Gipfel erreichen"

Karl Marx 

"Every nation can and should learn from others" Marx

Creative Collective
Nikolai Punin
Iskusstvo kommuny
September 1920
"In accordance with this idea, the design of the monument consists of three large glass structures, erected by means of a complex system of vertical struts and spirals. These structures are arranged one above the other and are contained within different, harmoniously related forms. A special type of mechanism would enable them to move at different speeds. The lower structure (A), in the form of a cube, moves on its axis at the speed of one revolution a year and is intended for legislative purposes. Here may be held conferences of the International, meetings of international congresses and other broadly legislative meetings… The next structure (B), in the form of a pyramid, rotates on its axis at the speed of one full revolution a month and is intended for executive functions (the Executive Committee of the International, the secretariat and other administrative and executive  bodies). Finally, the upper cylinder (C), rotating at a speed of one revolution a day, is intended to be a resource center for the following facilities: an information office; a newspaper; the publication of proclamations, brochures and manifestos — in a word, all the various means of broadly informing the international proletariat, and in particular a telegraph, projectors for a large screen located on the axes of a spherical segment "

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We learn to swallow the “truth” because there are international treaties; deciphering these meanings in the common language is a conspiracy. With regard to economic schemes - contract systems, the same conditions apply.

Learn what it can be

Why us? because otherwise US and not You!

Berufung In contrast to the Catholic teaching about the opposition of the worldly and the spiritual, Luther believed that God’s grace is also realized in the worldly life in the professional field. God destined people for one type of activity or another, investing in them various talents or abilities, and it is a person’s duty to work diligently to fulfill his calling. In the eyes of God, no work is noble or despicable.
The labors of monks and priests, no matter how hard and holy they may be, do not differ one iota in the eyes of God from the labors of a peasant in the field or a woman working on the farm.

«Пребывай в Труде / Призвании своём» Sirach 11:20-21

„Ein Mensch rettet seine Seele nicht durch die Kirche, sondern durch den Glauben“, schrieb Luther, und heute müssen lutherische Untertanen ihn bauen – den Tempel. Denn heute wurden wir bereits besiegt, heute wurden wir bereits gedemütigt, heute wurden wir bereits getäuscht und heute wollen sie von der Wahrheit hören, obwohl sie sie nicht erschaffen, weil die Welt immer noch ihnen gehört, aber wir haben Land und Wir können nicht nur die Seele, sondern auch unser Land retten.

Lebenstraum + Lebensraum >

1521 ADvon Martin Luther  unsere Ära 500 Jahr (2021 n. Chr.)


State Museum of Egyptian Art in Munich

"There are a variety of theories around her name, one of which claims that Hatshepsut is identical to the good Egyptian princess who picked up a basket with the baby Moses from the Nile and raised the boy. Another interesting point regarding Hatshepsut is the hypothesis of Immanuel Velikovsky, according to which this Egyptian ruler is identified with the biblical Queen of Sheba, and the expedition to Punt with the queen’s embassy visit to King Solomon".

From Internet resources, Wikipedia. just like dates give us disorientation, the connection is also numbers, in amounts as measures of measurement, perhaps, apparently, there is an essence and truth, and if we are one Field, then our systems must converge, because people must understand each other and their government must choose the best for the fit, that's the point.

 "Based on the inability and impossibility of titling a transautomatic image or a transautomatic artwork (a tao = transautomatic object) evolving from an extremely difficult work process comprising complex, often contradictory, considerations of continuous developments (which for the most part proceed subconsciously)—,  double titles emerge automatically; then several titles for the same work (of the tao), and eventually the realization that a flexible way of examination is necessary and will lead to the individually created film". Hundertwasser


The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature


Cunnilingus. Watercolor

by artist Achille Deveria


Still from the film

"War and Peace"  Natasha Rostova

and Andrei Bolkonsky

В некотором царстве жил-был дворянин, у него была дочь-красавица. Пошла она как-то погулять, а лакей идет за ней позади да думает:

— Эка ловкая штука! Ничего б, кажись, не желал на свете, только б отработать ее хоть один разок, тогда б и помирать не страшно было!

Думал, думал, не вытерпел и сказал потихоньку:

— Ах, прекрасная барышня, шаркнул бы тебя хоть по-собачьи!

Барышня услыхала эти слова, и как воротилась домой, дождалась ночи и позвала к себе лакея.

— Признавайся, мерзавец, — говорит ему, — что ты говорил, как я гулять ходила?

— Виноват, сударыня! Так-то и так-то говорил.

— Ну, коли хотел, так и делай сейчас по-собачьи, не то всё папеньке расскажу…

Вот барышня заворотила подол, стала посреди горницы раком и говорит лакею:

— Нагибайся да нюхай, как собаки делают!

Холуй нагнулся и понюхал.

— Ну, теперича языком лизни, как собаки лижут!

Лакей лизнул раз, и два, и три раза.

— Ну, теперь бегай вокруг меня!

Начал он кругом барышни бегать: обежал разов десяток, да опять пришлось нюхать и лизать её языком. Что делать? Морщится, да нюхает, плюет, да лижет!

— Ну, теперича на первый раз будет, — сказала барышня, — ступай ложись себе спать, а завтра вечером опять приходи.

На другой день вечером опять барышня позвала к себе лакея:

— Что ж ты, мерзавец, сам не идёшь? Не всякий же день за тобой посылать; сам знай свое дело!

Сейчас заворотила свой подол и стала раком, а лакей стал ей под жопой нюхать и языком в пизде лизать: обежит кругом её разов десять да опять понюхает да полижет. Эдак долгое время угощала его барышня, да потом сжалилась, легла на постель, заворотила подол спереди, дала ему разок поеть и простила всю вину. Лакей отработал да и думает:

— Ну, ничего! Хоть и полизал, да свое взял.


Russian treasured tales. Afanasiev. "Like a dog".

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