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When the Most High came down and confused languages, He divided the nations; when He distributed tongues of fire, He called everyone to unity, and we, in agreement, glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

Bohemia as the heart of Europa regina; Sebastian Münster, Basel, 1570.jpg

Franz Kafka “When the Tower of Babel was built, everything was at first more or less in order; the order was perhaps even too great, they thought too much about road signs... This would only make sense if one could hope to build a tower in one generation. But this was in no way expected. Rather, one could assume that the next generation, with its more advanced knowledge, would find the work of the previous generation bad and would demolish what had been built in order to start anew... Each community wanted to have the best housing, because of this, disputes arose that escalated into bloody skirmishes. These skirmishes did not stop; for the leaders they were a new argument in favor of the fact that, due to the lack of the necessary concentration, the tower should be built very slowly, and even better - only after the conclusion of universal peace.”

Texte du Sacre

Reims Gospel / Coronation Text referred to in some Czech sources as the Emmaus Evangelie or Remešský kodex, an illuminated manuscript of Slavic origin, part of the Reims Cathedral treasury. Церковнославянская пергаментная рукопись, хранящаяся в муниципальной библиотеке Реймса







"Всѣ люди рождаются свободными и равными въ своёмъ достоинствѣ и правахъ. Они надѣлены разумомъ и совѣстью и должны поступать въ отношеніи другъ друга въ духѣ братства". "Сѵмвол Вѣры"

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