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Madonna - Erotica(


A purely scientific approach, which is also humane, in the manner of the religion of India - science is like an atom, a sphere and our capabilities. And than freedom means the science as a free & naked body and Imperialism as roots of that faith which leaders faces as Monastic foundations and Judaism, Abraham world domination, conspiracy power, destruction. A change of eras and the next price of conspiracy - everything is against one.


О, как тебе хвалу я воспою,
Когда с тобой одно мы существо?
Нельзя же славить красоту свою,
Нельзя хвалить себя же самого.

Затем-то мы и существуем врозь,
Чтоб оценил я прелесть красоты
И чтоб тебе услышать довелось
Хвалу, которой стоишь только ты.

Разлука тяжела нам, как недуг,
Но временами одинокий путь
Счастливейшим мечтам дает досуг
И позволяет время обмануть.

Разлука сердце делит пополам,
Чтоб славить друга легче было нам.

Ты от меня не можешь ускользнуть.
Моей ты будешь до последних дней.
С любовью связан жизненный мой путь,
И кончиться он должен вместе с ней.
Зачем же мне бояться худших бед,
Когда мне смертью меньшая грозит?
И у меня зависимости нет
От прихотей твоих или обид.
Не опасаюсь я твоих измен.
Твоя измена — беспощадный нож.
О, как печальный жребий мой блажен:
Я был твоим, и ты меня убьешь.

Но счастья нет на свете без пятна.
Кто скажет мне, что ты сейчас верна?

O how thy worth with manners may I sing,

When thou art all the better part of me?  What can mine own praise to mine own self bring? And what is't but mine own when I praise thee? Even for this, let us divided live, And our dear love lose name of single one, That by this separation I may give That due to thee which thou deserv'st alone. O absence, what a torment wouldst thou prove, Were it not thy sour leisure gave sweet leave To entertain the time with thoughts of love, Which time and thoughts so sweetly doth deceive, And that thou teachest how to make one twain,

By praising him here who doth hence remain.

Где муза? Что молчат ее уста
О том, кто вдохновлял ее полет?
Иль, песенкой дешевой занята,
Она ничтожным славу создает?
Пой, суетная муза, для того,
Кто может оценить твою игру,
Кто придает и блеск, и мастерство,
И благородство твоему перу.
Вглядись в его прекрасные черты
И, если в них морщину ты найдешь,
Изобличи убийцу красоты,
Строфою гневной заклейми грабеж.

Пока не поздно, времени быстрей
Бессмертные черты запечатлей!

Truth does not belong to one Ideology, good does not mean the church, and the church does not mean that there are saints in it, rather, “according to signs,” the saint strives for good, that’s why Logos, as a rule, and religion is a set of morals, that’s why science should at least be humane, but in doubt - the question was, if this is so? Rather, it was about “martyrs,” sufferers who are well described in Orthodoxy, as the religion of Christianity, and who are hidden in Catholicism under other rituals. Logos, history of dictatorship.
Pattern is based on the impact on a person, the chaotic application of mediocre forms of the individual’s logic against the influence of the geopolitical “for needs and freedoms” - the theory of the “gap” concept, fictional techniques, tolerance against censorship, for the technical values of “three elephants on a turtle”, struggle in time - "all sleep".




Between the lines, in the era... born on October 25, 1919 in the resort of Kranz in Prussia (now Russian Zelenogradsk) in the family of farmer Otto Koestlin, she received the name Beate at baptism. In 1938 she passed her artistic piloting test and shortly thereafter competed for Germany in the “foreign rally” in Belgium. She placed 1st in the race in her category, 2nd in the precision landing competition, and 3rd in the precision flight competition. The story further developed thanks to the education of her mother’s gynecologist; Beate owns the world’s first sex shop. Beate Uhse JSC is a world leader in the trade of “erotic accessories”; the company also owns its own satellite TV channel on the SkyTV broadcast network (Germany) - Beate UhseTV. This is another Accent in the era of the Russian Empire under Emperor Nicholas II and his German wife. Thus, the Crusade and the battle in Russia during the 2nd World War, to this day we are told dubious tales with the name Rasputin, we do not remember anything about the role of Luther under Peter I, etc.

The modern formulation of Marxism - attribute to Marx only the development of communism - that there is a fiction during the implementation of the movement that most of the workers "converted" after World War I in the world, in particular in Russia and China, communism was established because of the idea expressed by Marx. This Philosophical work, as well as economic and political work, is Social thought is a thought that exists for society and speaks naturally in its era (correlation is necessary). This dogma is consciously, plannedly divided into the opposite of democracy, which cannot be, it is ideological, anti-religious (in the sense of an inappropriate cult and proving the classism that world Jewry forms in particular), this is an ideological work calling for a more equal society in favor of humanism and not superficiality its essence as Christian/Masonic/Jewish “religiosity”.


The page is dedicated to the obvious facts of not only history but also mood. Just like Marxism - the published work of Marx is only proof of the system. further this system is used, but Marxism is not opposed to Socialism, High Culture, Art and Freedom in general. But Marx did not offer the “services of a Designer,” did not decorate the world in red colors, did not “build consciousness” instead of the Russian Empire, did not call on enemies to unite for future equality in favor of the opposite Leader, etc. In other words, the Science of Marx does not mean the Demands of the workers to be likened to the meager perception of international reality, rather, on the contrary, At that moment when the power was predominantly Monarchical, to convince the Medieval Church of its insignificance, it was required not only economic alignment and evidence of the power of the majority, but also Cultural victories, Spiritual generosity and Desire for a Better Life Spiritually.


Pontius Pilatus, procurator of Judea, died after the age of 37. An inscription found in Caesarea (Кесария) in 1961, dating from the reign of Pilate, shows that he, like other Roman rulers of Judea from 6 to 41, served as prefect.

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; descended into hell on the third day rose again.


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During the reign of Nicholas II, several major scandals related to the Jewish question occurred - most notably a wave of Jewish pogroms, the largest of which occurred in 1903 in Chisinau. Also in 1903, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a falsified collection of texts exposing Jewish plans to establish world domination, were first published in Russia. In 1906 and 1907, State Duma deputies from the Cadets Party of Jewish origin, Mikhail Herzenstein and Grigory Yollos, were killed. In 1913, the trial of the Jew Menachem Mendel Beilis, accused of the ritual murder of a 12-year-old Russian boy Andrei Yushchinsky, took place. Although the defendant was eventually acquitted, the case was accompanied by a strong anti-Semitic campaign in the right-wing press. A project for the partial abolition of restrictions on Jews was developed by the Council of Ministers in 1906 under Stolypin, but Nicholas II responded to it this way:

“I am returning to you the magazine on the Jewish question, unapproved. Long before it was presented to me, I can tell you that day and night I thought and thought about it.
      Despite the most convincing arguments in favor of making a positive decision in this case, an inner voice is increasingly telling me not to take this decision upon myself.” Nicholas II was ready to veto proposals to expand the rights of Jews, on the other hand, he never initiated anti-Jewish legislation or policies in general. During the 1905 revolution, the emperor openly sympathized with the Union of the Russian People, a monarchist organization with anti-Semitic views, and granted requests for pardon for its members who participated in the pogroms. In this case, as follows from his correspondence, for Nicholas II, their loyalty to the throne during a difficult period was more important. The monarch wrote to his mother that he considered 9/10 of the revolutionaries to be Jews, and the pogroms against them were understandable outbursts of popular anger. In another letter, he called capitalists of Jewish origin a “Jewish clique.”
   Further in his work, Lenin called for equality, in connection with which the people were required to “renounce” any ideology which, in an equal society, in a prosperous society, would in any case be erroneous, since we were talking about a new society. This is also evidenced by photographs from the archives of the time of fascism in Europe, which broadcast educational, restrictive measures and new information.

Time & Names: "Molotov "(Skryabin) as "Hammer" who replaced Maxim Litvinov (Meer-Genoch Moiseevich Wallach) anti-Semitism and equality - a new ideology, doctrine, internationalism and freedom of thought, however, also means a fight against castes, religion and other pyramidal foundations of enslavement  >

 DUX "leader" of the world proletariat Lenin (Ulyanov) - Europe climate "DUCE" Mussolini & Old World Monogram - bacchanalia, supposedly religious and Initial unification of the Russian Empire with Germany on the New Wave internationally, Meaningfulness and not slavish religiosity and Imperialism (capitalism)

Marxists and communists, workers and representatives for it (faces) or peasants?



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II wave - the struggle for the substitution of concepts. World Domination\Господство

Common property and brotherhood -  US and Communism & G.Orwell -from ther from F.

“How to become an Oligarch from “sale” of public property of the state when you are in Moscow and a thief?” Bestseller

social equality, social justice, including public ownership of the means of production, distribution of resources - “socialism” can be defined as an ideology, economics, political regime or social organization  USSR - the concept of sharing responsibilities between EU territories in favor of eliminating the identity of currencies, borders and other individualities - in the power of the center and Monet - Whereas the territory's vastness provides Peace within a World in which reasonable freedom and reasonable equality realize themselves - СССР



Gennady Zyuganov
State Duma Deputy
since 1993

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Art as scientific thought - visualization


GoldenEye, Spain, Amphibian Man is a film based on the science fiction novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev, written in 1927.


1924 - 2024 Vladimir Ilyich (Ulyanov) Lenin 100 "dux" of the world proletariat

Июль-август 1923 года, СССР, Московская губерния.png

There were two Lenins in Moscow. One is leader Vladimir Lenin. The other is "Maly (small) Theater Drama theatre artist Mikhail Lenin. In fact, his last name was Ignatyuk, and he chose his pseudonym in honor of his wife Lena.

“Lenin lived. Lenin is alive. Lenin will live!”

July-August 1923, USSR,
Moscow province

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Friedensreich Hundertwasser Proposal for Australia

Hena Г Gennady



For possible treatment of Ulyanov, leading German specialists in nervous diseases were called in, and the chief physician from December 1922 until his death in 1924 was the neurologist Otfried Förster, a neurologist, one of the founders of German and world neurosurgery. Also, neurologists Vasily Vasilyevich Kramer (one of the founders of the Soviet neurosurgical school), who collected the patient’s medical history, Alexey Mikhailovich Kozhevnikov (neurologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor), who began to treat him, and Viktor Petrovich Osipov (is one of the founders of the pathophysiological direction in the domestic psychiatry).

ЦК - Центральный комитет КПСС - Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

ЦНС - the main part of the nervous system of animals and humans, consisting of neurons, their processes and auxiliary glia

In 1991, the President of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin by his decree banned the activities of the CPSU and its republican organization - the Communist Party of the RSFSR on the territory of Russia, the party's property was confiscated into the ownership of the Russian authorities. On November 30, 1992, the Constitutional Court of Russia declared the dissolution of the primary organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR-CPSU illegal, but upheld the dissolution of the Central Committee of the party.

V. Lenin and other founders of the RSDLP initially conceived an organization with the principles of internal democracy, as a result of which the party never had the position of chairman, chairman of the Central Committee or chairman of the Politburo of the Central Committee. The Secretary of the Central Committee initially had a technical role

Lenin. Complete works / 5th edition / 1970

Letter to the Congress:

My first priority is to increase the number of members of the Central Committee ЦК to several dozen or even hundreds. I think that our Central Committee would be in great danger if the course of events were not completely favorable for us (and we cannot count on this) - if we did not undertake such a reform


Под устойчивостью Центрального Комитета, о которой я говорил выше, я разумею меры против раскола, поскольку такие меры вообще могут быть приняты. Ибо, конечно, белогвардеец в «Русской Мысли» (кажется, это был С. С. Ольденбург) был прав, когда, во-первых, ставил ставку по отношению к их игре против Советской России на раскол нашей партии и когда, во-вторых, ставил ставку для этого раскола на серьезнейшие разногласия в партии.

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The era of special effects, today there is a “sensation” that it is fiction, that it is fabricated, or murder for the sake of history, as well as just history, for the sake of history, people know and understand what they see, and what do they see? Sometimes these are the people themselves, and sometimes “ordinary people” are politicians or actors.

n the decades following the 1859 publication of Charles Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species
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Gloria Chapman said, "Suddenly, words ran across the bottom of the screen: “John Lennon has been shot in New York City by a male Caucasian.I knew it was Mark."
Gloria Chapman was born Gloria Abe on April 13, 1951, in Hawaii. She maintains both American and Japanese nationalities. "A born-again Christian, Chapman had expressed anger at some of Lennon's lyrics. He was also incensed by Lennon's 1966 remark that The Beatles were "more popular than Jesus." Chapman received a sentence of 20 years to life for the murder. He pleaded guilty in 1981 and was eligible for parole in 2000. When explaining why she's stayed with her husband, she says, "I read in the Bible in Malachi Chapter 2, Verse 16...It says, ‘I hate divorce". The "U.S. Sun" said. On December 8, 1980, Chapman shot and killed legendary singer John Lennon in front of his wife Yoko Ono. He had met Lennon earlier that evening. Lennon had autographed an album for Chapman. That night, Lennon returned home with his wife before Chapman shot him twice in the back and twice in the shoulder, killing him.


Страница посвящена очевидным фактам не только истории но и настроения. Также как Марксизм - изданный труд Маркса только является описанием системности, далее это систему применяют, но Марксизм не противоположен Социализму, Высокой культуре, Искусству и вообще Свободе. Зато Маркс не предлагал "услуг Дизайнера" не декорировал мир красным цветом не "строил сознание" вместо Российской Империи, не призывал врагов объединяться для будущего равенства в пользу противоположную Лидера и т.д. Другим словом Наука Маркса не означает  Требования рабочих в уподоблении скудному восприятию международной действительности, скорее наоборот, В тот момент когда власть являлась преимущественно Монархической, убедить Средневековую Церковь в ее ничтожности, требовалось не только экономической расстановки и доказательств власти большинства, но и Культурные победы, Духовная щедрость и Желание Лучшей Жизни Духовно.

© 2017 Alexandra Flora

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